Summum bonum medicinae sanitas

Legal Entity registration certificate LT
Legal Entity registration certificate EN
VAT certificate
GDP certificate

About Us


Via Pharma is young but rapidly expanding company exercising import, export of pharmaceutical products, food supplements and medical devices.

The prices of various pharmaceuticals differ between the EU members, so traders obtain low-price pharmaceutical goods and supply these products to markets where prices are higher for the same goods. Traders are able to introduce medicaments at lower prices than local producers’ do, so our activity helps to make the pharmaceuticals more affordable. At the same time we export the pharmaceutical products, food supplements and medical devices from EU to other countries where prices are higher.

The mission of Via Pharma is to supply pharmaceutical products, food supplements and medical devices to countries inside and outside EU by offering the lowest prices in the market. The strategy of pharmaceutical company is based on one of the most important principles of the EU: free movement of goods within the EU.